Stencil Shed Events

 2023 Christmas Events.  

The Stencil Shed at Christmas :

Loseley House Christmas Fair - Surrey Guildford Area Thursday November 16th to Sunday 19th November
Bath Christmas Market  November 23rd to December 10th 2023 - Open 10am closing times vary. York Street.

Malmesbury Late night shopping (High Street)

Friday December 1st - 2023 - Outside the Birdcage Pizza Restaurant. 
Winkworth Farm Christmas Market (Lea near Malmesbury) December 10th - 10am until 3pm
Dyson Farmers Market  December 13th and 14th December 
Cirencester Corn Hall  December 16th Saturday until Wednesday 20th Dec
Malmesbury Market  December 22nd in the Market Cross 
Malmesbury Market Cross - Stencil Shed Tradition!  December 23rd - Saturday 


Can't Make any of these events ? Then visit the Stencil Shed virtually, streaming via the TikTok platform from the studio and events. Buy direct via SydTV, watch the making process 😁

Follow @StencilShed on TikTok, deals and Free delivery on certain artworks.