Green Graffiti

A recent and exciting new direction for my outdoor work in 2021. Always a fish out of water when visiting cities to paint large scale murals, the thought struck me why not bring my art to the landscape I know and love, the countryside. I introduce paint or sculpture sympathetically to dead objects to enhance what nature has created. Not a dissimilar thought process to my artworks I make in the studio on wood, using what nature has created and adding paint to make something entirely unique and beautiful. 

As this project grows I would love to inspire people to visit the countryside more often and appreciate the fresh air and natural beauty and the wellbeing this can bring to the individual. Some examples below: 

Stag woodland art spray painted Wiltshire
Woodland Stag
wise old tree man sculpture installation woods uk artwork syd painting  oak
Wise Old Tree Man
Fox oak tree art
Tree Fox  


hare log graffiti art malmesbury rabbit hole wood oak

The Rabbit Hole


badger log oak thames head spray paint graffiti Badger Den 


owl art woods painting art street countryside green graffiti
Long Eared Log Owl
crocodile log art spray paint graffiti Croco Log


wild tree man woods art stencil graffiti Wiltshire
Woodland Creature