Stencil Shed Story

Story words by Syd:

'It all started with an email from my mum back in 2012 urging me to enter a competition for sheds 'Shed of the Year', a very British thing. At that point in my life I had quit a corporate job and enjoyed gardening part time and spray painting for fun in the shed, no one had ever actually purchased my work. It all sort of fitted together in a eureka moment and 'The Stencil Shed' was born. 

 old stencil shed 2014

Cutting a very long story short on the third occasion I tried to win 'Shed of the Year' I blagged myself onto a Channel 4 TV program that supported the competition and won the best Workshop Shed category and was a hairs breath from winning the entire thing. This unbeknown to myself was enough though, people got interested in my work, doors began to open not close in my face and things took off. I'm now a regular fixture at top events all over the country like Glastonbury, Bath Christmas Market and Upfest (Europes largest street art festival in Bristol). 

As a side note my experimentation with spray paints post 2014 accelerated onto large scale murals taking up the side of buildings, this started with my first ever show on an old peoples home in my home town that lovingly became known as the Malmesbury Zoo. Although I don't paint buildings as much as I like these days, I always have a few interesting projects on the go. 

The Stencil Shed in 2018 has a new bigger workspace as well as running the office from home. My wife is heavily involved and keeps me organised as the enterprise has turned into the family business that pays the bills. If you buy anything from this store rest assured that its been handmade in Malmesbury with a great deal of love, attention, and passion.